Prevent Widow Words

Maizzle uses prevent-widows to help prevent widow words in your email templates.

Simply add a prevent-widows attribute on any HTML tag, and it will replace the last space in every text node with a  .

<extends src="src/layouts/base.html">
  <block name="template">
    <div prevent-widows>
      <p>Ullamco aliqua labore do proident commodo officia excepteur.</p>
      <p>Reprehenderit dolore deserunt elit reprehenderit cillum nostrud do laborum et.</p>

That will output:

  <p>Ullamco aliqua labore do proident commodo officia&nbsp;excepteur.</p>
  <p>Reprehenderit dolore deserunt elit reprehenderit cillum nostrud do laborum&nbsp;et.</p>